About Me

For as long as I can remember I have been a collector of treasured objects, from small pieces of jewellery to precious lengths of 19th Century French fabrics, in fact anything that captures my eye and evokes a memory. To this day I cannot resist the pull of a flea market, boot sale, textile fair or Brocante. The thrill of what I might find is pure pleasure.

My fascination with textiles came from my mother’s wardrobe. She wore 1920’s and 30’s dresses, bought easily from jumble sales in the 1970’s. The prints and feel of those fabrics left a deep impression on me. Equally her decor of Art Nouveau prints, thrifted furniture, Art Deco mirrors and huge house plants is etched in my memory and influences me today.

Donna Flower Vintage was born from my avid collecting, and saved my family from drowning under the many ‘treasures’ I had acquired over the years. It gave my collecting a purpose.

The objects I find for my website and fairs are all things I would happily have in my home. Some are things that have lived with me for a while before I feel ready to pass them on to a new owner.